Wednesday, 24 June 2015

adversal earn high money

Adversarial machine learning is a research field that lies at the intersection of machine learning and computer security. It aims to enable the safe adoption of machine learning techniques in adversarial settings like spam filtering, malware detection and biometric recognition.
The problem arises from the fact that machine learning techniques were originally designed for stationary environments in which the training and test data are assumed to be generated from the same (although possibly unknown) distribution. In the presence of intelligent and adaptive adversaries, however, this working hypothesis is likely to be violated to at least some degree (depending on the adversary). In fact, a malicious adversary can carefully manipulate the input data exploiting specific vulnerabilities of learning algorithms to compromise the whole system security.
Examples include: attacks in spam filtering, where spam messages are obfuscated through misspelling of bad words or insertion of good words; attacks in computer security, e.g., to obfuscate malware code within network packets  or mislead signature detection;[attacks in biometric recognition, where fake biometric traits may be exploited to impersonate a legitimate user (biometric spoofing)  or to compromise users’ template galleries that are adaptively updated over time


  • 1 Security evaluation
  • 2 Attacks against machine learning algorithms (supervised)
    • 2.1 A taxonomy of potential attacks against machine learning
    • 2.2 Evasion attacks
    • 2.3 Poisoning attacks
  • 3 Attacks against clustering algorithms
  • 4 Secure learning in adversarial settings
  • 5 Software
  • 6 Journals, conferences, and workshops
    • 6.1 Past events
  • 7 See also
  • 8 References

Security evaluation[edit]

Conceptual representation of the reactive arms race.
To understand the security properties of learning algorithms in adversarial settings, one should address the following main issues:
  • identifying potential vulnerabilities of machine learning algorithms during learning and classification;
  • devising appropriate attacks that correspond to the identified threats and evaluating their impact on the targeted system;
  • proposing countermeasures to improve the security of machine learning algorithms against the considered attacks.
This process amounts to simulating a proactive arms race (instead of a reactive one, as depicted in Figures 1 and 2, where system designers try to anticipate the adversary in order to understand whether there are potential vulnerabilities that should be fixed in advance; for instance, by means of specific countermeasures such as additional features or different learning algorithms. However proactive approaches are not necessarily be superior to reactive ones. For instance, in, the authors showed that under some circumstances, reactive approaches are more suitable for improving system security.
Conceptual representation of the proactive arms race.

Attacks against machine learning algorithms (supervised)]

The first step of the above-sketched arms race is identifying potential attacks against machine learning algorithms. A substantial amount of work has been done in this direction.

A taxonomy of potential attacks against machine learning[edit]

Attacks against (supervised) machine learning algorithms have been categorized along three primary axes: theirinfluence on the classifier, the security violation they cause, and their specificity.
  • Attack influence. It can be causative, if the attack aims to introduce vulnerabilities (to be exploited at classification phase) by manipulating training data; or exploratory, if the attack aims to find and subsequently exploit vulnerabilities at classification phase.
  • Security violation. It can be an integrity violation, if it aims to get malicious samples misclassified as legitimate; or anavailability violation, if the goal is to increase the misclassification rate of legitimate samples, making the classifier unusable (e.g., a denial of service).
  • Attack specificity. It can be targeted, if specific samples are considered (e.g., the adversary aims to allow a specific intrusion or she wants a given spam email to get past the filter); or indiscriminate.
This taxonomy has been extended into a more comprehensive threat model that allows one to make explicit assumptions on the adversary’s goal, knowledge of the attacked system, capability of manipulating the input data and/or the system components, and on the corresponding (potentially, formally-defined) attack strategy. Details can be found here. Two of the main attack scenarios identified according to this threat model are sketched below.

Evasion attack]

Evasion attacks  are the most prevalent type of attack that may be encountered in adversarial settings during system operation. For instance, spammers and hackers often attempt to evade detection by obfuscating the content of spam emails and malware code. In the evasion setting, malicious samples are modified at test time to evade detection; that is, to be misclassified as legitimate. No influence over the training data is assumed. A clear example of evasion is image-based spam in which the spam content is embedded within an attached image to evade the textual analysis performed by anti-spam filters. Another example of evasion is given by spoofing attacks against biometric verification systems.

Poisoning attacks]

Machine learning algorithms are often re-trained on data collected during operation to adapt to changes in the underlying data distribution. For instance, intrusion detection systems (IDSs) are often re-trained on a set of samples collected during network operation. Within this scenario, an attacker may poison the training data by injecting carefully designed samples to eventually compromise the whole learning process. Poisoning may thus be regarded as an adversarial contamination of the training data. Examples of poisoning attacks against machine learning algorithms (including learning in the presence of worst-case adversarial label flips in the training data) can be found in.

Attacks against clustering algorithms[edit]

Clustering algorithms have been increasingly adopted in security applications to find dangerous or illicit activities. For instance, clustering of malware and computer viruses aims to identify and categorize different existing malware families, and to generate specific signatures for their detection by anti-viruses, or signature-based intrusion detection systems like Snort. However, clustering algorithms have not been originally devised to deal with deliberate attack attempts that are designed to subvert the clustering process itself. Whether clustering can be safely adopted in such settings thus remains questionable. Preliminary work reporting some vulnerability of clustering can be found in.
Secure learning in adversarial settings[edit]
A number of defense mechanisms against evasion, poisoning and privacy attacks have been proposed in the field of adversarial machine learning, including:
1. The definition of secure learning algorithms;
2. The use of multiple classifier systems;
3. The use of randomization or disinformation to mislead the attacker while acquiring knowledge of the system.
4. The study of privacy-preserving learning.

BidVertiser - Pay Per Click Advertising

BidVertiser - Pay Per Click Advertising

Bidvertiser is a PPC (pay per click) program, which also offers an affiliate program. So you have more possibilities to earn money with Bidvertiser. You can also advertise on Bidvertiser, and there is also a PPC program for eBay sellers. But we will discuss in this article how to make money online, not how to spend money online.


In order to join to Bidvertiser as a publisher, you must read the guidelines to see if your blog will be accepted. They don’t say anything about the blog’s language, but since I saw Romanian ads, it seems that they accept blogs in any languages.
After you join Bidvertiser (it takes up to 48 hours for your blog to be approved) and configure your ads, you must insert some html lines to your blog, where you want your ads to be displayed. The ads will appear instantly.
Advertisers will bid against each other for your ad space and through Bidvertiser ad serving system will always display the highest bidders, those that will generate the maximum revenue for your advertising space.

Once you have joined Bidvertiser, you can display ads on whatever domain you want (I’ve just realized that my second domain, I mean EzMoneyOn.Net, didn’t go through the approval process, though they said they review manually all the submitted domains).
Bidvertiser has a wide range of ads, full customizable. You can change colors and fonts. My advice is to change the colors and fonts to suits your blog, to look like being a part of it. You can see how we customize our Bidvertiser ads. Did you like them?
Bidvertiser provide full statistics for every ad on your blog. You could add a name for each ad, to see what ad works better. For each ad, you have a list of advertisers, with the maximum bid for each of them. This doesn’t mean that for a click on a specific ad, you will get the maximum bid. Maximum bid is the higher amount of money an advertiser would pay for the ads to be displayed. Some of the ads are geo-targeted. This means that ad will be displayed only to visitors from the listed countries.
You can have control over the ads that appears on your blog. By default, all the ads are approved. But you can also decline an ad if you don’t like it (for example if it is a competitors’ ad).
You can also display Bidvertiser ads within your feeds, using a plugin for WordPress developed by them and available for download within your Publisher account. This plugin is only available for BidVertiser’s Publishers and it includes unique identification info for each publisher. After you apply for your feed ads you will be given a verification code which you need to publish in a blog post for Bidvertiser to verify that you are the owner of that feed. After verification (which takes about 1 minute) you can delete that post.
If you are using FeedBurner and would still like to keep your subscribers count, have access to all of its features, statistics and use your current FeedBurner address you have to follow some simple steps in order to embed Bidvertiser ads in your FeedBurner feed.


All you have to do is to place a button, banner or text link on your blog and you will start earn money when a user click on them and signs as an advertiser or a publisher.
When a user signs as an advertiser and first spends $10, Bidvertiser will credit your account with $5. When that same advertiser spends $50, you will be credited with an additional $20.
When a user signs as a publisher and first earns $10, Bidvertiser will credit your account with $10. When that same publisher earns $50, you will be credited with an additional $40.
Your earnings will be tracked in your Referral control panel along with clicks, sign-ups and conversions.
Bidvertiser make monthly payments, either by check or instantly through PayPal with a minimum of only $10.

How to Earn Money Through Google Adsense

How to Earn Money Through Google Adsense

Three Methods:Creating an Ad UnitHow to Design Your Ad CampaignWhat's it Worth?
Money for nothing? Well, not quite—but close! Google’s AdSense is a revenue-sharing opportunity for small, medium and large web sites that places ads for goods and services that are relevant to the content of your site, targeted to the people who frequent your pages. In turn, you get paid a small amount when the ad is either displayed on your page, or clicked on. We'll show you some good ideas that added to your own, will help increase your AdSense revenue.

Method 1 of 3: Creating an Ad Unit

  1. 1
    Sign into your AdSense account. Go to AdSense, and click on My ads in the upper left.
    • Create a new Ad unit. In the main screen area, under Content > Ad units, click the +New ad unit button.
  2. 2
    Name your ad unit. This can be any name that suits you, but many find creating a standard naming format helps them manage large amounts of data.
    • For example, using [target site for the ad]_[ad size]_[ad date] is one approach, that would look like this: mywebsite.com_336x280_080112. Whatever format you decide to use for naming, make that your standard.
  3. 3
    Pick a size. See "How to Do It" below for details, but Google has found best practices that generate more clicks.
  4. 4
    Set your ad type. This determines the types of ads you will see on your website: text only; text and image/rich media; and image/rich media only.
  5. 5
    Create a custom channel. A custom channel lets you group ad units however you choose, such as by size or location on a page.
    • You can track performance by custom channel, and turn your channel into a targetable ad placement so advertisers can target their ads to your ad units.
  6. 6
    Create your ad style. This lets you choose colors for the various components of an ad: border, title, background, text, and URL. It also lets you choose corner styles, from square to very rounded, a font family, and a default font size.
    • It's good practice to create an ad style that harmonizes with the look and colors of your website.
    • You can use Google's presets, or use your own custom settings. In either case, a sample ad on the right will show you how your ad will appear
  7. 7
    Get the code for the ad. When you're done with the ad setup, either save your ad unit, or click the Save and get code button at the bottom to get the HTML code for your site.
    • If adding code to your site is a puzzle you want help with, click here for Google's code implementation guide.

Method 2 of 3: How to Design Your Ad Campaign

  1. 1
    Analyze your content. In designing any kind of ad campaign, it's crucial to know who your target is. If you're writing a food blog that caters to single men on a budget, for example, you've narrowed the scope of who you will be appealing to. You've also got a very good focus point for your ads. What are things single men who cook drawn to? Here are some possibilities: dating, cars, movies, politics, and live music.
    • Think about who frequents your website, write down what you feel are the most important characteristics of your viewers.
  2. 2
    Fine tune advertisements. While AdSense will auto-populate your page with what they feel are relevant ads, use their tools to provide tighter controls.
    • Set up channels. Channels are like labels that let you group your ad units your way—by color, category, or pages. By setting up channels, you can get detailed reports on the performance of your ad units, and use that to your advantage. For example:
      • Use one style of ad on one group of pages, and another style on another group. Track and compare the performance of the two styles, and pick the best performer.
      • Compare performance on pages that focus on different things. For example, if your pages about gardening perform better than your pages on cooking, you might consider adding more to your gardening pages.
      • If you have separate domains, set up a channel to track each of them to see which is generating the most clicks.
  3. 3
    Optimize your ad placement and site design. Google has found there are places where ads are more effective, and places where they are less effective.
    • Ads that appear when you first arrive at your page (i.e., "above the fold" as they say in the newspaper world) tend to be more effective than those that are below the fold.
    • Ads on upper left tend to perform much better than ads on the lower right.
    • Ads directly above the primary content, and ads that appear at the bottom of the page and above the footer tend to perform very well.
    • Wider ads are generally more successful, as they are much easier to read.
    • Ads that display images or video perform very well.
    • Using colors that complement your website colors will make them more readable, and so more effective.
  4. 4
    Learn how AdSense works. AdSense automatically sends ads to your site based on a few different criteria:
    • Contextual targeting. AdSense crawlers scan your page, analyze your content, and serve up ads designed match your content. They do this using keyword analysis, word frequency, font size, and the link structure of the web.
    • Placement targeting. This allows advertisers to choose to run their ads on specific subsections of a publisher's website. If your website matches an advertisers criteria, their ad will appear on your page.
    • Interest-based advertising. This lets advertisers reach users based on their interests and the user's previous interactions with them, such as a visit to their website. Google's Ads Preferences Manager allows users themselves to choose their interest categories, which further helps advertisers focus their ad campaigns. This method is good for monetizing your site more efficiently, as it increases the value for advertisers and provides a more relevant experience for users.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
  1. Manage your expectations. When you sign up for AdSense, you'll want to know what kind of revenue can you expect to see. There is a lot that goes into what kind of return you can expect, and managing those things will help you maximize your earning potential.
  2. 2
    Traffic. First and foremost , in order to generate any kind of revenue from AdSense you must have people clicking on your ads. In order for this to happen, you need to have people on your site, reading your content! Whether you have a business website, or a personal blog, the rule is the same: Get the word out!
    • Heavily trafficked large sites can see over a million hits a day, whereas a blog might feel lucky if they have 100 visitors a day.
    • For every thousand page impressions (views) you receive, you may earn from $.05 to $5. Yes, that's a broad range—over a month, that is between $1.50 and $150.00! Where in that range you can expect to frequent depends entirely on you, your site, and your promotion efforts.
  3. 3
    Cost Per Click (CPC). This paid every time somebody clicks an ad on your page. No, you can't click your own ad—Google will see this, and shut you down so fast your head will spin. The advertisers set the price for these ads, and they can vary greatly.
    • An advertiser may spend a lot on a per-click basis, but that ad may generate very little interest on your site.
    • An ad that may generate $.03 per click may get 100 hits, but that doesn't add up to much.
  4. 4
    Click-through Rate (CTR). This is the percentage of visitors to your site compared to how many them actually clicked on an ad. If 100 people came to your site, and 1 of them clicked an ad, your CTR is 1%, and that's not an unreasonable number. You can see how getting more traffic to your site will really make a difference.
  5. 5
    Revenue per 1000 impressions (RPM). This is an estimate of how much you might receive if you have 1000 impressions (page views).
    • If you made, for example, $1 for 100 impressions, your RPM would be $10. There is no guarantee you'll make that, but it's a good way to check the overall performance of your site.
  6. 6
    Content is king. The quality of your content is an important factor in understanding your earning potential. If your site provides rich, compelling content and a great user experience, you will have more interested users. Google's crawlers will also have an easier time determining the type of ad content would best fit on your site. Interested users + targeted ads = $$$
  7. 7
    Start building keyword-rich pages. Liberally seed with well researched, profitable keywords, and get lots of high quality links to your site.
    • If your site is about topics such as debt consolidation, web hosting or asbestos-related cancer, you’ll earn much more per click than if it’s about free puppies.
    • If you concentrate only on top-paying keywords, you’ll face stiff competition. What you want are keywords that are high in demand and low in supply, so do some careful keyword research before you build your pages.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Learn to Earn: Educational Sponsorship Program

         Access to quality education in India is universally seen as “the passport out of poverty,” and since half of India’s population is under the age of 25, this has become more important than ever in determining India’s destiny. When access to quality education is denied, it shapes the entire life of an individual, and it can affect the lives of their families for generations. Across the Indian economy, stable jobs with strong earning potential require high proficiency in English, yet the large majority of students can only afford to attend government-funded Hindi-language schools, where the standard of quality is highly variable, depending on the community.
In the case of underprivileged girls and young women in India, the transformative effect of English language education is dramatically amplified. According to a United Nations report, not only is parental education closely linked to a child’s educational achievement, but in fact, the mother's level of education tends to be more influential than the father's. Educated mothers are able to reliably secure resources that are otherwise unattainable, which includes securing quality education for their children.
Recognizing how investing in the education of young women has such a ripple effect on society, ILSC created the Learn to Earn Program in 2010. LTE candidates are rigorously screened, and carefully selected for the program based on their potential to inspire further development in their communities. At ILSC’s New Delhi campus, candidates benefit from an international standard of English education, and study alongside foreign students from around the world. For many LTE participants, they are the first members of their families to learn English, and most are the first women in their families to have studied beyond high school.
Upon completing the LTE program, candidates receive approximately a minimum of 360 hours of instruction in English over more than 24 weeks of study. They also receive additional workshops that prepare them for the workplace, including resume writing, interview skills, and financial literacy. Further, they are given assistance in obtaining government-issued PAN cards which allow them to work legally, and opening bank accounts. The candidates are then placed in reputable companies on paid internships, where they gain valuable work experience and use their language skills, with the ultimate goal of empowering them to provide for the financial support of their younger siblings.
Your sponsorship of a young LTE candidate today will literally change the life a young woman forever, while giving her the tools to sustainably support her entire family and community.
Feature Article

The Times of India - Against All Odds Details about the Learn to Earn program in the Education section of The Times of India.      

study tips

  • Think positively.
  • Try recollecting the key points just before you sleep.
  • Be organized.
  • Do not be too hard on yourself. If you didn't do well on a test, just try to do better next time!
  • Set an easily-achievable goal to help motivate yourself.
  • Set realistic and achievable goals.
  • Chuck your phone and other gadgets while studying. Get rid of all distractions!
  • Learn the concept, and then start using it.
  • Don't study when you feel too sleepy.

  • Always enter a exam confident. Never panic and always answer what you know first and use deductive reasoning for the rest.
  • How to Use Your Whole Brain While Studying

    How to Use Your Whole Brain While Studying

    Do you ever just gawk at a book when you're trying to study, just to realize you've retained minimal information after an hour? It's time you started using your entire brain!


    1. 1
      Realize that by the time someone reaches adulthood they mostly only use the left side of their brain while studying, that's the mathematical side -where you think in black and white. Kids use the whole thing, probably why they do better in their minor tests! Use both sides, it's the only true reliable way. Think in colour, use your imagination, think 'clear' and 'baby-like'; all it is, is simple info - but more of it.

    2. 2
      Clear your desk - if you think you can do just as well with a messy desk as you can with a neat orderly one. Have a folder for each subject and make your bed - all three oddly make you remember more.
    3. 3
    4. 4
      Start studying as soon as you can after school. The minute you come in the door, slam your bag on the ground, run upstairs, take a shower (if you need it), and start studying straight after.
    5. 5
      Listen in class. Believe it or not, those who do well in any subject listen in class, even if they don't appear to be.
    6. 6
      Pick out the important words in bold and look them up on the net or get it from the textbook and write your own definition for them - this helps greatly.
    7. 7
      Paraphrase. By paraphrasing you can make the information easier to handle, making it better to remember what you've learned.
    8. 8
      For your homework, use the resources available to you - the main ones being the textbook and class notes. More or less rewrite it in your own words. Sounds kind of "duh!" but you'd be surprised by the amount of people who do badly because they don't read the book.
    9. 9
      Get notes and read them. This will make you seem and feel more clever when you're reading the textbook.
    10. 10
      Keep a note and pen near you,try to write out the points you are studying.It will prevent mind deviation and make your brain more engage in studies.Its a proven trick.
    11. 11
      Associate your theory with a practice example. If you are studying history try to make a tale related to it. It will help you to know it very well.
    12. 12
      Take an interest in the subject, but don't be too focused on being interested. Let yourself say "Oh my gosh, really?" every once in a while, even if you feel like an idiot. Then make a note of what you did not know and say "Wow, that's amazing."
    13. 13
      Have the ability to relax with your textbooks. The tests aren't the end of the world so take a deep breath and relax.
    14. 14
      Do not spend more than 1 hour studying without having a break because the mind gets tired and does not give attention to the subject.
    15. 15
      Don't study with either an empty stomach nor with a fully loaded stomach.Take a light food before studying.
    16. 16
      Take notes on what you're studying. This will help you remember what you learned about what you're studying. You can also look at the notes every once in a while to remember what you studied. You can't forget after remembering for one day. 

    Saturday, 20 June 2015

    STEP 6 TO 11

    1. Practice Yoga Daily Step 6.jpg
      Decide on your best starting position. This may change over time depending on what you're most comfortable with but it is important to have a starting position that grounds you and prepares you for the rest of the yoga session. A starting position is best when it helps you to focus awareness on breathing and the body, helps strengthen your lower back and opens the groin and hips. Here's an example:
      • Sit cross-legged with hands on knees. Focus on your breathing. Keep your spine straight and push the sit bones down into the floor. Allow the knees to gently lower. If the knees rise above your hips, sit on a cushion or block. This will help support your back and hips. Take 5 to 10 slow, deep breaths. On the next inhale, raise your arms over your head. Exhale and bring your arms down slowly. Repeat 5-7 times.
    2. Practice Yoga Daily Step 7.jpg
      Rest between poses. Again, nothing should be rushed in yoga, and resting in between poses gives you time for reflection and your body a chance to take a break. Keep all movements slow and breathe calmly.
    3. Practice Yoga Daily Step 8.jpg
      Fit yoga into your daily life. As well as dedicated yoga time, practice small elements of yoga throughout the day where possible. There are yoga moves you can practice using your office chair, simply standing, or while waiting. Practice inhalation and exhalation exercises anywhere at anytime. Close your eyes and do a few minutes quiet reflection amid the busyness of everything else going on around you.
    4. Practice Yoga Daily Step 9.jpg
      Expect gradual improvement, not miracles. Daily practice will start to flow through in evident changes in your life but it won't happen immediately and sometimes you might feel things are not happening at all. Give it time and suddenly you will realize that your daily practice is beneficial and is having a positive impact on the rest of your day. The body is happiest with regular practice and will respond well to your daily efforts.
    5. Practice Yoga Daily Step 10.jpg
      Balance your routine. As you get more used to yoga and you're into the swing of daily practice, aim for a balance of yoga exercises. Yoga expert Christina Brown recommends including at least one exercise from each of the following categories:[6]
      • A flowing activity that increases your awareness of breathing
      • A standing posture
      • A side stretch
      • A forward bend
      • A backbend
      • A twist
      • An abdominal strengthener
      • A balance
      • An inversion
      • Another forward bend
      • Final relaxation (Pranayama and meditation). You can choose to spend as long as you like in this final step.
    6. Practice Yoga Daily Step 11.jpg
      Remember that time is always on your side in yoga. The more you practice, the better you will get but at your pace, not any pace set by a training manual or coach. Yoga is a journey, not competition or expectation of achievement. The great thing about yoga is that you continue to improve through life, and age has nothing to do with ability in yoga. Indeed, practicing yoga daily into your senior years is a goal to aspire to as it will keep you fit, confident, strong, flexible, mentally and physically balanced, and self-disciplined.
      • Don't make a huge issue out of missing a day here and there. It happens, just pick up from where you left off. Body memory is powerful, so let your body ease back into it without allowing your mind to infect it with anxiety over missed practices!

    STEP 6

    Practice Yoga Daily Step 5.jpg5   Study each posture. The practice of yoga exercises or Asanas can improve your health, increase your resistance strength, and develop your mental awareness. Doing the yoga poses requires you to study each pose and to execute it slowly as you control your body and your mind. Read widely online and in yoga books so that you can understand both the mechanics behind the poses and the philosophical underpinnings of yoga.
    • Maintain full awareness when practicing poses. It is far better to stay aware and take it slowly during a pose than to hurriedly proceed through a whole group of them without pausing to reflect.
    • When you're starting out in yoga, choose the easier exercises indicated by your yoga book, DVD, or teacher. Find the ones that fit with your physique naturally and perfect the basic instructions before moving on to the more challenging ones.

    STEP 4

    Practice Yoga Daily Step 4.jpg
    4  Prepare well for each yoga session. Part of the comfort factor of yoga will be derived from how you prepare for it. Ensure that you have comfortable clothing that allows for freedom of movement and leaves the abdominal area and ribcage free to expand; avoid tight clothing. Make the area where you are practicing comfortable as well. Lay down a sticky yoga mat or a folded blanket and have a cushion handy to support your neck if needed. Ensure that the practice space is warm and quiet but well ventilated.
    • Practice yoga on an empty stomach. This is the best time for yoga practice, and it is a good idea to allow the digestion of a meal to be done before practicing yoga, so leave 2-4 hours between your meal and yoga practice.3 , 4 Yoga before breakfast is an ideal option.
    • If you feel hungry prior to a yoga practice, drink a little diluted fruit juice or warm milk with honey.

    STEP 3

    Practice Yoga Daily Step 3.jpg3   Be regular, not rigorous. It is far better to practice a little on a regular basis than to push yourself into a long practice on an irregular basis. It doesn't matter if you can't do certain poses for now. Do the ones you can do; better still, do the poses you enjoy. Perfect those before moving on to the ones you experience more difficulty with. Remind yourself that it is better that you're doing some yoga than none at all.
    • Avoid adopting a negative mindset in which you tell yourself you "can't" do certain poses. You can, it just may take some time and you may need to practice a great deal on the build-up poses that lead in to the more difficult ones. Practice does help!

    STEP 2

    Practice Yoga Daily Step 2.jpg

    Be kind to yourself when you practice yoga. Go slowly, especially in the beginning, and listen to your body. It knows what it can do. If it says "stop," then stop. Don't push it. Yoga is not a competitive sport; indeed, if you feel that way about it, you will not progress. If you push too hard, you probably won't enjoy it, and you may hurt yourself.
    • Whenever possible, work with a teacher, and use books, videos and websites to supplement your classroom instruction. Most of all, stick with it. If you practice, you will improve.
    • Choose routines that work for you now. If you try to do yoga positions before you're ready or keen to do them, it's likely that you'll set yourself up for a fall. Keep in mind that a little done often is always best for you and your body and giving 15 minutes of your time a day soon adds up over a week. Eventually you'll be able to do more difficult routines as time goes on.


    Practice Yoga Daily Step 1.jpgSet aside a regular time for yoga. Once you make a decision to do something, you're telling yourself that it is going to happen. If you're new to yoga, it may not be a practical idea to practice yoga daily, especially while you're getting used to yoga in your life. Instead, aim for at least one practice a week outside your regular class (if you attend a class), and gradually increase the days you're practicing until it becomes daily without you finding this a hurdle. As you become more aware of the philosophy behind yoga and find yourself more attuned to it, daily practice will soon become part of who you are; there is no point rushing this natural realization; as yoga instructor Christina Brown says: "First, it becomes habit; then it becomes a lifestyle; then it becomes who you are.
    • Some people find that keeping to a routine of the same time and same place each day is most beneficial. Your mind and your body will associate that time and place with yoga sessions, which can serve as great internal motivation. Be sure to pick a time when you know there will be no interruptions or distractions, such as early in the morning or late at night. The best times to practice yoga are considered to be sunrise and sunset.

    How to Practice Yoga Daily

    How to Practice Yoga Daily

    Finding a daily routine to include yoga in your life isn't always easy and excuses can sometimes prevent you from creating a healthy and regular yoga routine. This article focuses on the ways to ensure that yoga becomes a daily routine for you that is both enjoyable and beneficial, and in particular, that fits in with your life rather than feeling like an enormous burden. This should help you feel better and have body awareness.

    Wednesday, 10 June 2015


    Hot Rolling Mills
    JSPL is equipped with India's first state-of-the-art plate mill that started producing plates and coils of 5 meter and 3 meter width respectively, for the first time in the private sector.
    The plate-cum-coil mill (steckle mill) of 1 MTPA capacity located at Raigarh, Chhattisgarh produces plates ranging from 8 mm to 120 mm in thickness in widths of 1500 mm to 3500 mm and coils in thickness range of 8 mm to 25 mm in widths of 1500 mm to 2500 mm.
    The mill is equipped with walking beam type of reheating furnace where slabs are re-heated at a temperature of 1250 degree celsius and rolled in a mill with a 2 hi-reversing type roughing stand and a 4 hi-reversing type finishing stand. To ensure excellent surface quality, high pressure de-scalers are provided at the entry and exit points.
    An auto level 2 width and thickness controlling system coupled with heavy leveler assures close dimensional tolerances and an increased level of flatness control. Right from the slab charging and plate production to the conclusive stage, fully equipped inspection facilities are in place.
    The plate mill at Angul, Odisha of 2.5 MTPA capacity produces plates in the thickness range of 5-150 mm with a width of up to 5000 mm. The mill is equipped with latest equipment and technology like MULPIC cooling, online ultrasonic testing, trimming shear, slitting unit to produce plates of high strength and excellent surface finish.

    jindal in working

    Coal Mining Companies in IndiaJSPL produces economical and efficient steel and power through backward and forward integration. It has mining capacity of over 20 MTPA of coal and iron ore at various locations within India and abroad. Owning captive mines has ensured the company of uninterrupted supply of high quality raw material. This has reduced the dependency on third party thereby resulting in cost and time saving. 
    To mitigate the negative impact of mining on the environment the company has been carefully preparing its mining plans. Air and water quality, noise and other environmental parameters are monitored regularly and maintained well within permissible limits.CSR activities around mining areas are undertaken to address the socio-economic needs of the local communities.


    Jindal Steel and Power Limited PlantJindal Steel and Power products are energised by the buoyancy of innovation that enables the distinction of being a trailblazer. Customisation is at the core of all our product development and our global technology excellence ensures  the best in class offerings for the valued customers. The company's continuous growth and enhanced capabilities stand testimony of the ceaseless drive for excellence.

    Saturday, 6 June 2015

    What can I study?

    You can choose to study almost anything and for many reasons. You can indulge your passions, hone your professional skills and knowledge, work towards a qualification or develop your career!
    We have a range of courses covering a wide variety of subjects with a range of levels of difficulty. We offer courses from levels 3 and 4 on the National Qualifications Framework, up to certificates, diplomas and degrees at levels 5 – 7. You can tell how hard a course is by the level it is set at. Levels 1– 4 are about the same as secondary school and basic trades training, while levels 5 – 7 are the same as university study.
    We have programmes that allow you to build on previous qualifications, for example, you could study for a certificate in 1 or 2 years, do some additional courses and gain a diploma, then continue your study to qualify with a full degree.
    If you’re thinking of studying again after a long gap or if you haven’t studied before, consider starting your study journey with our Certificate in Tertiary Study Skills, which has been designed to offer a highly supported introduction or re-introduction to studying at tertiary level.
    If you need help choosing your course, contact us for advice and help.

    My Study Plan

    Take control of your study journey with My Study Plan.
    My Study Plan is an interactive and visual tool that guides you through the qualification planning process, making it simple. You can use My Study Plan to plan and keep track of your studies by personalising which courses you want to do and when you want to study.

    Our suggested study plan helps get you started - you can use it as a base to start your planning. You can then personalise your study plan by moving compulsory courses or removing our suggested elective courses and replacing them with the electives that meet your study interests.

    My Study Plan lets you plan your qualification to finish it in the quickest time possible, or to fit your study around your life.

    You can save your study plan and come back to view and change it whenever you want to, plus we've made it easy to enrol straight from your plan.

    Our Programme and Student Advisors (PASAs) can help you make the right course choices and guide you through the planning process. Before you enrol, have your study plan checked by the PASA for the qualification you are enrolling in. They can ensure your plan meets the criteria for completing the qualification.

    How do I start planning?

    If the qualification you want to study has a study planning tool, you’ll find a 'Suggested study plan' under the Plan your study tab on the qualification web page.
    The suggested study plan is a quick overview of how the qualification could be studied. It shows you how many compulsory and/or elective courses make up the qualification and how long it would take you to complete if you studied 1, 2 or 3 courses in each Trimester.
    You can then select Personalise this plan to be taken to My Study Plan and create your plan.

    Get started now

    Below is a list of the qualifications that can be planned using the My Study Plan tool. Simply click on the qualification you want to plan, follow the link to the suggested study plan then personalise the plan to make it your own.