Saturday, 6 June 2015

My Study Plan

Take control of your study journey with My Study Plan.
My Study Plan is an interactive and visual tool that guides you through the qualification planning process, making it simple. You can use My Study Plan to plan and keep track of your studies by personalising which courses you want to do and when you want to study.

Our suggested study plan helps get you started - you can use it as a base to start your planning. You can then personalise your study plan by moving compulsory courses or removing our suggested elective courses and replacing them with the electives that meet your study interests.

My Study Plan lets you plan your qualification to finish it in the quickest time possible, or to fit your study around your life.

You can save your study plan and come back to view and change it whenever you want to, plus we've made it easy to enrol straight from your plan.

Our Programme and Student Advisors (PASAs) can help you make the right course choices and guide you through the planning process. Before you enrol, have your study plan checked by the PASA for the qualification you are enrolling in. They can ensure your plan meets the criteria for completing the qualification.

How do I start planning?

If the qualification you want to study has a study planning tool, you’ll find a 'Suggested study plan' under the Plan your study tab on the qualification web page.
The suggested study plan is a quick overview of how the qualification could be studied. It shows you how many compulsory and/or elective courses make up the qualification and how long it would take you to complete if you studied 1, 2 or 3 courses in each Trimester.
You can then select Personalise this plan to be taken to My Study Plan and create your plan.

Get started now

Below is a list of the qualifications that can be planned using the My Study Plan tool. Simply click on the qualification you want to plan, follow the link to the suggested study plan then personalise the plan to make it your own.

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