Be kind to yourself when you practice yoga. Go
slowly, especially in the beginning, and listen to your body. It knows
what it can do. If it says "stop," then stop. Don't push it. Yoga is not
a competitive sport; indeed, if you feel that way about it, you will
not progress. If you push too hard, you probably won't enjoy it, and you
may hurt yourself.
- Whenever possible, work with a teacher, and use books, videos and websites to supplement your classroom instruction. Most of all, stick with it. If you practice, you will improve.
- Choose routines that work for you now. If you try to do yoga positions before you're ready or keen to do them, it's likely that you'll set yourself up for a fall. Keep in mind that a little done often is always best for you and your body and giving 15 minutes of your time a day soon adds up over a week. Eventually you'll be able to do more difficult routines as time goes on.
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